Milk Coolers
Milk – it’s the classic lunchtime thirst quencher. As nourishing as it is tasty, it’s been central to school nutrition programs for generations. If you’re in charge of choosing a milk cooler for your schools, you’ll want to be sure to choose one that will meet your needs in terms of volume, product handling, and durability.
School milk coolers are designed to hold milk or other cartoned beverages just above the freezing temperature, between 33 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit, in a range that keeps the milk fresh and safe for the longest possible length of time without freezing it. To help you verify that the equipment is holding product at those temperatures, each cooler should include a dial thermometer or a digital temperature readout to let you keep an eye on the cooler’s internal temperature.
There are essentially two ways to cool a milk cooler. The first is with forced air refrigeration, the method that’s employed by the majority of milk coolers. In these units, a fan or series of fans circulates air within the equipment cabinet over an evaporator coil that removes heat from air, chilling it and passing those temperatures along to the cabinet’s contents.
The second, less popular method of cooling a milk cooler is a cold-wall evaporator. In this system, refrigerant is run through tubes embedded directly in the equipment’s interior walls. This style of milk cooler is especially well-suited for cooling dense products like tightly-packed milk cartons. However, one consideration with these cabinets is that they are not really designed to hold milk product overnight, requiring that product be moved back and forth between the walk-in cooler and the milk cooler daily. This is not an issue with most forced-air type units.
Stainless steel makes a popular material for milk coolers thanks to its corrosion resistance and rugged durability, and cleanout drains inside the cabinet make it easy to drain water and spills from the equipment’s interior.
Below you will find our most popular milk cooler models for school use. Should you have any questions after looking at this info, or if we may assist you in selecting the very best model for your needs, please let us know – we are here to help!
Single Access Milk Coolers

Single Access – 8 Milk Crates
Stainless Steel Exterior & Interior
Beverage Air SMF34HC-1-S

Single Access – 12 Milk Crates
Stainless Steel Exterior & Interior
Beverage Air SMF49HC-1-S

Single Access – 16 Milk Crates
Stainless Steel Exterior & Interior
Beverage Air SMF58HC-1-S
Dual Access Milk Coolers

Dual Access – 12 Milk Crates
Stainless Steel Exterior & Interior
Beverage Air STF49HS-1-S

Dual Access – 16 Milk Crates
Stainless Steel Exterior & Interior
Beverage Air STF58HS-1-S